Thursday, August 14, 2008

Has Anyone Seen The Real Church

Our mission as the body of Christ is soul winning I agree but often times we have to start with the ones sitting in the pews who although they are coming their life does not reflect their confession.
The sad reality is that the sinner will most often meet the person who is not reflecting Christ but profress to know him.This then gives the sinner a false sence of what being a Christian is all about and they end up calling all of us hypocritesbecause of one or a few people who have not totally surrendered yet.I say yet because at one point in my life I was that person who did not reflect Christ.
Someone did to me what God told Isaiah to do in chapter 58:1(NIV)" Shout it aloud,do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet.Declare to MY PEOPLE their rebellion and the house of Jacob their sins. I did not like it I got mad I became defensivebut now I know that person loved me and knew that I was not only hurting myself but doing damage to the entire body of Christ.
All through the Bible you see God with a plan of salvation for mankind and wanting to present that plan through the people he called his. The problem was he could not get them to do right as an example to the other Nations so they would desire to be a part of God Family.
When you see as a believer any sin in your brother or sister the words says in Galatians 6:1 "brethern (SISTAS TOO) if aman be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering yourself,lest thou also be tempted"would you say maybe God wants us to say something.
Now I agree when you speak the truth it should be spoke in love. I also beliveve that if the person that came to me had come to loving of a way I would not have even thought about what they said. It was how they said what they saidthat made ( naw I gonna keep it real) pissed me off and made me think and that is why I changed.As I have matured in Christ and have been able to correctly evaluate that time in life thatnosey,hateful,holier than thou(and some things I won't write)person really loved me enough to tell me the truth in a way I would have other wise blew off. I love them to day for being nosey.
I also think that some of these Preachers have reached a Statis in Ministry where they won't listen to the little people(even though I don't find a seperate class in scripture) theywon't hear unless someone is radical. G Craige is so radical thathe is getting the attention of the Big ones.
The Scribes and Pharasees did not like Jesus because he did not let their statis stop him from evaluating their lives and then telling them to their face (NOW THIS IS RADICAL) John 8:44yo Daddy is the Devil, St Matthew 15 yall doing yo own thing and breaking all of my fathers rules and you call yo selves Leaders, I gonna call ya what you are some hypocrites. aint no love, grace or mercy in those words he went straight for the throat. Now how do you think they felt about Jesus being so radical They showed us They killed him.
Now if they hated Jesus for telling it like it is we will suffer the same fate if we choose to tell anyone the truth reguardless of their statis. wrong is still wrong, sin is still sin, from the pulpit to the back door.
Paul told Timothy to " Preach the world be instant in season;out of season; reprove ,rebuke exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they willwill not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers,having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned to fables. 2 Timothy:4 2-4
Question: who are the they?
2 Why are the teachers telling them what THEY want to hearinstead of telling them what thus said the lord?
3 Why do THEY always pick Leaders that will not teach sounddoctrine
4 Have you noticed that while there is lots of preaching going on but nobody seems to be changing?
Divorce is higher in the church than it is in the world and even our so called Leaders can't seem to practice what they preach.Drugs, homosexuality,gambling,stealing,hatred and lack of loveis in the church and no one seem to be hearing a message that will cause repentance Yes the church needs a wake up call.
Here it is 2 Chronicles 7:14 " If my people who are called by my name , will humble themselves and pray and seek my face andturn from THEIR WICKED WAYS, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land".
Now we either take judgement from men who are called to correct or reprove, rebuke,and exhort. or we deal with a God who sends Judgement because we would not heed the warnings he send through men like G craige Lewis,and others who are blowing the Trumpet in Zion.
Yours in Christ Pastor Elam

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